Allie Pratt

Hi, I'm Allie Pratt.
I'm an actor, educator, and a lover of cats.
When I tell people I'm five foot two after they've seen me on stage, they are often shocked. "I have a big personality," I say.
When my students ask me how old I am, I sternly remind them that asking a woman her age used to be completely off limits.
They are undeterred by this; "gender is a construct," they say. I've taught them well.
Still, I tell them "none of your beeswax!" and move on with my lecture.
The handful of shows I've directed have prompted audience members to ask for the soundtrack which, as a millennial who came up in the golden age of Zach Braff, feels like the highest compliment. I love a mix tape.
I started studying drama therapy and psychology when the world shut down in 2020. This heavily informs my teaching methodology . I don't know if it's legal/moral to use students' anonymous reviews in faculty evaluations to promote myself. But I receive a good deal of "her class made me a better actor and human" type feedback.
So I keep doing it.